Requests for Authorized Representative

To facilitate the assignment of authorized representatives for the official organization meeting of a new club, to provide adequate time for the arrival of the advance shipment of complimentary supplies for the new club, to help assure that the sponsor possesses current, helpful sponsorship supplies, to prevent premature assignments which are costly and often deprive others of the services of authorized representatives, and to help safeguard the sponsor's status in the awards programs, the policy governing the assignment of authorized representatives shall be as follows:

  1. By contacting the New Club Building Department at Optimist International, the Executive Director shall be authorized to appoint the Authorized Representatives for the purpose of organization meetings of new clubs.

  2. The Sponsor Club's representative should request assignment of an Authorized Representative to conduct the formal organization meeting, at least 120 hours (5 days) prior to the desired organization date.

( Jun 1966, Feb 1973, Dec 1982, Mar 1989, Dec 1992, Dec 2008, Dec 2009, Feb 2013, Apr 2015 )