Optimist International Bylaws permits Districts to petition the International Board of Directors for a change in annual dues. Such requests must be approved by two-thirds of the votes cast of the accredited delegates at the annual District convention or a specially convened District convention which had been authorized by the International President on behalf of the Board of Directors. Requests must be submitted to the Finance & Administration Department for presentation to the Board. The Board of Directors will consider requests for District Dues changes (only at regularly scheduled International Board meetings) on an “as needed” basis and such requests must include the following:
Certification by the District Secretary-Treasurer that due notice was given about the Dues increase, the vote was taken during the District’s convention, and a 2/3 majority vote was cast by the accredited delegates.
All reports, financial information, and any other documentation required by OI for any purpose must also be current before any dues increase can be approved.
For a dues increase of up to $2 where no increase has been made for the past 5 years, a review by OI Executive Director, with a recommendation to the Board, is acceptable.
For larger amounts, and/or more than once every five years the Executive Director and the CFO will review and make a recommendation to the Board, considering size of the increase, date of the last increase, District Budget implications, geographic size of the District, and District Membership.