Overview: Optimist International charges The International Activities Committee with the responsibility of forwarding to the Optimist International Board of Directors their recommendations of projects that the Committee strongly endorses for adoption as International Programs. In general, the Committee seeks projects that are Optimist driven or created, that can be easily replicated by the overwhelming majority of Optimist Clubs, and are international in scope, or are applicable activities for Optimist Clubs in the various countries that compose our membership. The International Program Status application was developed in order to provide set criteria for the purpose of assisting the Activities Committee in reaching its recommendations.
Background: Optimist International currently recognizes the following as International Programs: 1) OIJGC (Jr. Golf), and 2) Scholarship Contests (Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Essay, and Oratorical). All other Optimist Activities are considered “Community Projects” and are not formally sponsored by Optimist International, but rather by local Clubs.
The Activities Committee will review all projects submitted for potential International Program status at their Committee meeting and forward International Program status recommendations to the Board of Directors for consideration at their first regular Board meeting.
Projects submitted for International Program status must be accompanied by a completed International Program Status Application, signed by the current Club President.
Projects submitted for International Program status may have first been submitted Optimist International as a ReelOptimism entry.
Pilot program must be conducted in order to ensure program is applicable to and fits the needs of all Optimist International Districts.
Submitted projects that are operated or owned by an outside organization will not be accepted.
Please submit the projects in official format.
A program that does not qualify as an International Program may submit an application for the “Optimist Seal of Approval” program status
(Dec 2011; Dec 2012; Jan 2015; Dec 2015; Sept 2017)
Name and number of all Club(s) submitting the project
Name of all District(s)
Name of Project
Year project was submitted to Optimist International as a ReelOptimism entry.
Why did you choose this project and what do you want to accomplish?
Describe ways that this project will make a difference within the community. What is the impact on the club and community being served?
Describe the target population of the project and indicate the reason(s) that this particular population was selected.
Has this project been run as a District Pilot Program? If so, for how long and what were the results. What were the participating Districts and Contact information?
Were modification made to this project after the pilot program was initiated? Please Describe. What modifications were made and how did they affect your goal?
Are there initial and ongoing costs to Optimist International to make this an official Optimist program?
Is this an original program developed by Optimists and able to be utilized by Optimists in all Districted countries? Please keep in mind different languages, educational systems and government structure.
What are the modifications that would need to be made to this project to convert from a Club or District project in order for it to be run in all Optimist Districted countries and who would be financially responsible? Please estimate costs, ex. translation, duplication, packaging and shipping, promotion, administration, and merchandise, if any. Would this conflict with the official Optimist International Supply company?
What are the financial considerations/obligations that will be incurred by Clubs in operating the program? How are these expenses determined?
What is the minimum number of Members required to accomplish the project?
What are the fundraising/sponsorship methods utilized by the submitting Club to fund this project as it applies to Optimist International? Are they any other ideas that can be considered as fund raising methods?
Please note: Programs that do not qualify for International Program status may apply for the “Optimist Seal of Approval” program status.
Please submit all projects to the following address: Programs Dept.
Optimist International 4494 Lindell Blvd.