
Research and development of issues requesting action by the International Board are prepared by International Committees appointed by the International President in coordination of the International Bylaws. Therefore, action initiated by the International Board should first be reviewed by the appropriate International Committee. All unsolicited proposals to the organization shall be reviewed by the appropriate International Committee with a report from the committee prior to actions or review by the International Board, unless action by the Board is made with specific reference that this policy is being overruled.

  1. Copies of the resumes and reports of the applicable committee meetings for the three most recent years shall be made available to the respective committee in advance of the first meeting of each committee, together with copies of the segments of the Board minutes pertaining to such committee business. Copies of these documents shall be available to the International Board of Directors. Each Committee Chair shall receive an updated Operational Guidelines prior to their first meeting of the year.

  2. Each committee, as the first order of business each year, shall receive its budget and determine procedures to attain the greatest cost effectiveness in its operations and programs.

  3. Once the Board of Directors establishes and determines the number of members on each committee for the following year, each committee shall receive a charge letter from the President Designate and other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. Each committee shall annually adopt and/or review their respective Operating Guidelines provided by the Staff Liaison, which shall include fiscal responsibility as below:

    All requests which require the expenditure of funds must be accompanied by the following:

    1. Statement of Purpose

    2. Statement of expectations in measurable terms

    3. Statement of expected time frame to implement

    4. Statement of expected time frame to realize identifiable results

    5. Inclusion of an instrument for measuring expectations vs. results

    6. Initial cost, budget, underlying assumptions and funding schedule with pay-out time.

    7. All proposed NEW programs shall be reviewed by the Executive Director and the International Audit and Finance Committee Chairman prior to approval to determine the fiscal impact.

    8. That as a matter of policy, the International Board of Directors requires that all proposals with a financial impact, regardless of the source of the request, will be referred to the International Audit and Finance Committee to determine the financial impact. The Optimist International Board of Directors will not consider such proposals until it has received a report from the International Audit and Finance Committee as to the expected financial impact. All Committee requests

      for $2500 and above MUST be accompanied by the Fiscal Impact Form. All requests under $2500 must include the Rationale for the request.

      The above policy shall be submitted for reaffirmation every year at the first meeting of the Board of Directors.

  4. Although the Board reserves the right to act upon its own initiative, any proposal with financial implications shall be forwarded to the Audit & Finance Committee for review and fiscal impact before being final.

  5. The Audit and Finance Committee shall consist of not less than five members that are familiar with current Optimist International operations and practices. The President-Elect shall select the Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee for a one- year term and two additional Members to serve on the committee for a two-year term. The Committee will meet, either in person, or by teleconference, before each Board meeting with the Chair of the committee reporting the results of these meeting to the Board of Directors.

  6. The Governance Committee shall consist of not less than five members that are familiar with current operations and practices of Optimist International.

  7. The Junior Golf Committee shall consist of four (4) members. The incoming International President will appoint a member for a three year term and one member for a one year term. The chair can be selected from the new appointments or from the sitting members. Current members whose term has ended can be reappointed.

  8. A minimum of one member of the Certified Trainer Verification Committee shall be appointed to the Optimist International Leadership Development Committee.

  9. The Junior Optimist International (JOI) Committee shall consist of six members with at least three of the members selected having served as either a District JOI Chair or a past International JOI Board member, or a JOI club advisor.

  10. There shall be one designee from the Optimist International Foundation and one designee from the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation on the standing World Oratorical Committee.

The President shall appoint Board members to serve as liaisons to International Committees. They shall work with the committees (including teleconferences) and act as the committee advocate at Board meetings. Unless a committee member is unable to represent the committee at a board meeting, whether in person or by other means of audio and/or visual communication, the board liaison will not serve as the committee spokesperson.

Board Policy I-70, Paragraph C

FISCAL IMPACT FORM – Expenditure of Funds

If this is a NEW program it must be reviewed by the Executive Director and International Audit and Finance Committee Chairman prior to approval to determine the fiscal impact.

As a matter of policy, the International Board of Directors requires that all proposals with a financial impact, regardless of the source of the request, be referred to the International Audit and Finance Committee to determine the financial impact. The Optimist International Board of Directors will not consider such proposals until it has received a report from the International Audit and Finance Committee as to the expected financial impact. All Committee requests for more than $2500 MUST be accompanied by the Fiscal Impact Form.

1. What is the purpose for this request?

2. How will you measure outcomes?

3. What is the implementation time frame?

4. What is the time frame to realize results?

5. How will you tell if you’ve succeeded?

6. Are there start-up costs? If yes, $

7. What is the overall cost?

8. What assumptions are related to these costs?

9. What funding schedule is required? (i.e.: immediate, 30 days, 90 days, etc.)

Note: If more space in needed, please attach additional pages.

( Jun 1986, Dec 1989, Dec 2005, Mar 2006, Dec 2006, Mar 2007, Dec 2007, Mar 2008, Jul 2008, Dec 2008, Jul 2009, Dec 2009, Dec 2010, Dec 2011, Mar 2012, Jul 2012, Dec 2012, Feb 2013, Sep 2013, Mar 2014, Mar 2017, Nov 2019, Sep 2020, Dec 2021, Mar 2022 )