Club Disbandment and Charter Revocation Procedures


    1. The Club initiates the disbandment procedure no later than August 30th for the current Optimist year by submitting its intentions in writing to the International Office. Upon receipt of such notification, the International Office will notify the Governor, Governor-Elect, Lieutenant Governor, District Secretary-Treasurer, and International Vice President. The notification shall state a thirty (30) day moratorium from the date of notification has been established and the Governor is expected to use the moratorium period to investigate the matter fully and to report their findings to the International Office.

    2. Where the Governor finds that there is still some interest in maintaining a viable Club, the Governor should ask a Club officer to advise the appropriate International Department in writing that it is withdrawing the disbandment notice. The department will share the information with District officers and support District efforts in returning the Club to complete operation.

    3. After the thirty (30) day moratorium from the date of notification has been established and it is found that there is no interest in maintaining the Club and the intention of the disbandment is authentic, then the Club’s charter shall be automatically revoked effective on the date the notice was received at the International Office.

  2. CLUB REVOCATION PROCEDURE (By District Recommendation)

    1. The District initiates the revocation procedure no later than August 30th for the current Optimist year when the Governor submits a Charter Revocation Report stating the reasons for the recommendation AND the minutes of the District executive committee meeting at which the revocation was initiated. The report and the minutes must be received by the appropriate department at the International Office.

    2. Upon receipt of the District's report, the Club Services Department will notify the Club President and Club Secretary-treasurer as to the reason the Club's charter is in jeopardy and ask the Club to respond. A thirty (30) day moratorium from the date of notification is established for the Club to reply.

    3. Where a Club advises the International Office that it wishes to remain active (or responds to the District's charges), the information will be shared with District officers. If the Club is in violation of the International Bylaws or Policies, the Club will be given 30 days to certify to the Governor that it is complying or has complied, with copy to the appropriate International Department.

    4. If the Club does not respond during the moratorium, or certify compliance to the Governor, Club and District leaders will be notified that the Club's charter will automatically be revoked with an effective date of the day the notice was received at the International Office.


    When a Club becomes 60 days in arrears in payment of dues or other indebtedness, a notice of an impending revocation of the Club’s Charter will be sent by the appropriate Optimist International staff to the club President, Club Secretary-Treasurer, District Governor, District Governor-Elect, Lieutenant Governor, and District Secretary- Treasurer.

    When a Club becomes 90 days in arrears in payment of dues or other indebtedness, a notice of revocation of the Club’s Charter will be sent by the appropriate staff to the Club President, Club Secretary-Treasurer, District Governor, District Governor-Elect, Lieutenant Governor, District Secretary-Treasurer, and Regional Vice President.

    A thirty (30) day moratorium from the date of notification will be specified and established for the Club to reply.

    If the Club does not respond during the moratorium, or have its account adjusted by the Executive Director as provided in Policy 1-40, Club and District leaders will be notified that the Club’s charter will be revoked.

    If a check is received to cover dues for a Club being revoked for administrative purposes and that Club is removed and/or reinstated and later known that the check bounced, the effective date of revocation will be the original date of ninety (90) days.


    A former Club may appeal the revocation of its charter within 30 days of the mailing date of the notice of the Board's action (OI Bylaws Article III, Section 1A5d). The "Club" must respond with the commitment to comply with the following requirements for reinstatement.

    l) Adopt the Standard Form for Optimist Club Bylaws.

    1. Submit a list of Officers and a complete roster of the membership.

    2. Resolve any unpaid balances with the District and Optimist International.

    Clubs that are ninety (90) days delinquent on International Dues payment three times in a twenty-four month period shall not be reinstated, unless the Club agrees that International Dues will be paid through direct debit (ACH).

    The Charter is restored when the "Club" completes the International Board's requirements. Where a "Club" fails to meet the above requirements by the dates established, it will be notified that it has failed to satisfy the reinstatement requirements and that its charter remains revoked.

  5. If an Optimist Club is revoked while owing dues to the International organization and/or to the District it cannot be reorganized as a Club except under the following guidelines:

    1. All money due upon the date of revocation will be paid.

    2. Submit a list of Officers and a complete roster of the membership.

    3. The Club will pay current dues according to roster.

    4. If past due money is not collected the Club will be notified that it has failed to satisfy the reinstatement requirements and that its charter remains revoked.

    5. If past due money is not collected and less than twenty (20) members not previously in the Club have been signed for the new Club, the organization meeting will not be held until at least one year and one day after the date of the date of revocation.


    1. Request for Return of Supplies

      Article I of the Bylaws grants the International Board of Directors authority to control the use of any registered trademark of Optimist International. When advising a Club of its revocation, the Club will be notified to cease and desist from any use of the official name and emblem of Optimist International or any other name, insignia, slogan, emblem, seal or registered trademark of Optimist International. Where these marks or emblems cannot be removed, the item should be donated to another Optimist Club or destroyed.

    2. Return of Supplies by Revoked clubs

      The Governor or the lieutenant governor shall request the Club officers to relinquish all items mentioned above in Paragraph F1. These items constitute property of the Club and Optimist International has no legal right to them. Upon the Club's refusal to relinquish such property, the Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall request that these be disposed of as described above. Where a Club shall relinquish such property it will be disposed of as described above, and the International Office notified of the action.


After delinquent dues are paid to Optimist International and the District, Clubs with any remaining assets are encouraged to contribute them to Optimist International, the Optimist International Foundation, the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation, another Optimist Club, or another not for profit organization. If no disposition of the Club assets has commenced within 120 days after the effective date of dissolution, the assets of the Club shall be distributed to Optimist International, the Optimist International Foundation, or the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation.

( Dec 1980, Dec 1982, Mar 1983, Dec 1983, Mar 1989, Dec 1992, Dec 1993, Dec 1994, Mar 1995, Mar 1996, Mar 1998, Dec 1998, Mar 1999, Jul 1999, Dec 2002, Dec 2004, Dec 2005, Dec 2006, Jul 2007, Dec 2008, Jul 2013, Mar 2018, Dec 2021, Mar 2022, Sep 2022 )