Officer Job Descriptions and Letters of Understanding Policy


The Bylaws of Optimist International set forth the various individuals and their roles for the governance of Optimist International. In order to promote and advance the ideals, goals, and purposes of Optimist International, it is important that these individuals have an informed understanding of their roles and responsibilities. It is also important that these individuals understand how they are to interact with each other so as to work together in harmony and success. Accordingly, following is a delineation of duties and responsibilities for the offices of International President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents-Elect and the Directors of Optimist International. As Districts are an extension of Optimist International and responsible for the well-being of the organization, also included is a delineation of duties and responsibilities for the Governors and Governors-Elect.



By virtue of your election to the Board of Directors the members of Optimist International have expressed their confidence and entrusted you, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, the personal and fiduciary duty to assume and exercise, in good faith, and with due diligence, responsibility for the legal and financial governance, and the best interests of Optimist International. As a Governor or Governor-Elect, the same holds true from the members of your District.

The following is a delineation of the qualities and attributes desirable for all persons holding the offices discussed herein:

  1. Communication on a regular basis with all leaders in the organization promoting growth at every opportunity.

  2. Knowledge of Optimist structure and programs.

  3. Knowledge of parliamentary procedure.

  4. Consideration for the ideas and thoughts of others.

  5. Creativity to translate dreams of International Officers into practical realities.

  6. Ability to come to consensus with others without giving up personal principles.

  7. Strength to maintain an unpopular position when necessary.

  8. Be familiar with the Bylaws of Optimist International.

  9. Review minutes of past Board of Directors meetings.

  10. Understand fiduciary responsibilities.

  11. Make decisions that are good for the organization.

  12. International Officers and Club Presidents should lend support for the Optimist International Foundation or the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation.



    Bylaws Article VI, Section 2. President. The President shall preside at the International Convention and over the Vice Presidents Council and shall be the Chief Executive Officer exercising general supervision over the interests and affairs of Optimist International, subject to the direction of the Board. He/She shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of the President.


    By virtue of your election to the Board of Directors the members of Optimist International have expressed their confidence and entrusted you, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, the personal and fiduciary duty to assume and exercise, in good faith, and with due diligence, responsibility for the legal and financial governance, and the best interests, of Optimist International. Further to serve under the control of, and in accordance with the actions and direction of the full Board of Directors, and the Bylaws of Optimist International.


    Communicate on a regular basis with Vice Presidents, other District Leaders, and Committee Chairs promoting growth at every opportunity

    Appoint International Committee Members and Board Liaisons Serve as Chief Spokesman for Optimist International

    Serve as Chair of the International Convention

    Oversee use of the Optimist International logo and trademark

    Responds to specific District requests, e.g. fund raising, activities, special conventions Perform such duties as assigned by the Board of Directors

    Prepare and Report to the Board of Directors Administer and follow-up on Budgets Administer and follow-up on Awards Program

    Initiate necessary and advisable Bylaws Changes Call Board meetings as deemed necessary

    Provide guidance and council to Vice Presidents and Governors during the Optimist year Visit Districts as deemed appropriate or advisable

    Communicate and interact with the Executive Director

    Set Agenda for Board of Directors meetings in consultation with the Immediate Past President and Executive Director.

    Speak to issues at Board of Directors meetings.



    POSITION TITLE: President (cont’d)

    Prioritize issues on the Board agenda

    Serve as Ex officio member of all Committees (except Convention Committees) Continue active involvement in local Club

    Keep the Board of Directors and members informed on the conditions and operations of the organization

    Work with the Board in furthering the goals and programs of Optimist International Secure Board approval for hiring/removing/suspending the Executive Director.

    Secure authorization from the Board of Directors to incur expenses that exceed budgeted amounts and comply with fiscal responsibility with respect to staff and Board of Directors

    Comply with Optimist International’s Code of Ethics Retain legal counsel as necessary

    Lead by example through sponsorship of new clubs and members

    Assume all responsibilities given to the Board of Directors At-Large members

    Be willing to subordinate any local or District Optimist interest to the general interest of all members of the organization in carrying out the duties as the President.


    POSITION TITLE: Immediate Past President BASIC FUNCTION:

    Bylaws Article V. Section 5. Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the most recent past President shall assume the duties of President for the remainder of the year.

    Bylaws Article VI. Section 4. Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.


    By virtue of your election to the Board of Directors the members of Optimist International have expressed their confidence and entrusted you, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, the personal and fiduciary duty to assume and exercise, in good faith, and with due diligence, responsibility for the legal and financial governance, and the best interests, of Optimist International.


    Preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors Maintain parliamentary authority at Board meetings

    Control debate and time on any issue discussed at the Board meeting Represent the Board of Directors

    Work with the Board in furthering the goals and programs of Optimist International

    Continue active involvement in local Club

    Such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors

    Lead by example through sponsorship of new Clubs and members

    Be willing to subordinate any local or district Optimist interest to the general interest of all members of the organization in carrying out the duties as the Immediate Past President.

    Complete and provide a confidential evaluation/recommendation for each Vice President, Committee Chair, Board Member and other notable potential leaders who served on your team by October 15 of the year your term ends. Evaluations/recommendations will then be forwarded to the OI CQ Committee for their consideration.


    POSITION TITLE: President-Elect


    Bylaws Article VI, Section 3. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall perform such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon the President-Elect and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or Board of Directors.


    By virtue of your election to the Board of Directors the members of Optimist International have expressed their confidence and entrusted you, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, the personal and fiduciary duty to assume and exercise, in good faith, and with due diligence, responsibility for the legal and financial governance, and the best interests, of Optimist International.


    Encourage communication to Vice Presidents-Elect, Governors-Elect, etc. regarding growth and new club building

    Cooperate with President and Board of Directors in furthering goals and programs of Optimist International

    Work with Finance Committee on budget for his/her Presidential year Attend all Board meetings and Vice Presidents Council meetings Prepare Awards Program based on growth

    Responsible for Vice Presidents-Elect and Governors-Elect training utilizing aids from Optimist International such as trainers, etc.

    Prepare theme and logo for his/her year

    Select chairpersons and members for committees and Board Liaisons to committees by:

    1. making every attempt to maintain some sense of continuity on each committee;

    2. where possible and practical, select newer Optimist leaders on appropriate committees;

    3. take under advisement the general recommendations of the Candidate Qualifications Committee for future leaders of the organization for committee appointments; and

    4. consult your fellow Board members and senior staff for their input and suggestions.

Assign one or more Districts of Optimist International to Vice Presidents-Elect Continue active involvement in local Club

Such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors

The President-Elect must have authorization from the Board of Directors to incur expenses that exceed budgeted amounts and comply with fiscal responsibility with respect to staff and Board of Directors

Lead by example through sponsorship of new clubs and members

Be willing to subordinate any local or District Optimist interest to the general interest of all members of the organization in carrying out the duties as the President-Elect.




Your name will be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the position of President of Optimist International for the year commencing October 1, 20    .

Should you agree to this Letter of Understanding, your name will be placed on the ballot for the office of President-Elect. If you are elected by the delegates, you will be asked to fill the most important and visible position in the organization. This position requires a significant commitment from you, and your family, as to time, energy, patience, flexibility, and some financial sacrifice during the year of your Presidency, as well as the year immediately prior and the two following years. There will be significant travel involved and your personal life will be disrupted. In return for this unusual commitment, the organization is prepared to offer an opportunity for an experience of a lifetime which only a very few will ever enjoy. You will be challenged to a personal growth opportunity which will leave you exhausted at the end of this period, but with many unforgettable memories which will far outweigh any sacrifice which you will have made.

Following are some of the more important factors which need to be considered before accepting this unique responsibility:

Optimist International Agrees To:

  1. Provide necessary volunteer and staff support toward achieving the goals of your years.

  2. Provide necessary resources in people, time, supplies, etc. needed to make your Optimist year successful.

  3. Reimburse expenses in accordance with Optimist International Policy.

Presidential Candidate Agrees To: (please initial each item)

     1. Growth (including Membership and New Club Building) is the number one priority for your Club/District/Region/Organization.

     2. Be available for the positions of responsibility and dedicate the necessary time and energy toward achieving the assigned goals.

     3. Be financially stable and able to accept these positions without creating undue hardships in respect to finances or employment status.

     4. Have no significant legal, business, or personal problems which might cause an embarrassment to the organization.


     5. Be able and willing to travel extensively by air and other transportation means.

     6. Be physically capable of handling the demands of this position, and have no known serious health problems which might restrict activity.

     7. Be prepared to support and uphold the Bylaws as well as the Policies of Optimist International.

     8. Be willing to subordinate any local or District Optimist interest to the general interest of all members of the organization in carrying out the duties as the President.

     9. Acknowledge that under the Missouri Non-Profit Corporation Act, the Board of Directors is responsible for conducting the business of the corporation, and thus the President shall abide by all Board policies, resolutions, and directives.

     10. Per OI Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2, the President shall be the CEO exercising general supervision over the interests and affairs of Optimist International, subject to the direction of the Board.

     11. Also, per OI Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2 : The President shall have authority to expend only such funds which are made available for official use in such amounts as specifically authorized by vote of the Board of Directors. Any increased funds made available through amendment of the original budget established for any fiscal year may be authorized only by a ¾ vote of the Board of Directors.

     12. Understand and acknowledge that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 places direct fiduciary & personal responsibility and liability on the Board to use due diligence and oversight in all actions taken or considered by the Board.

     13. Authorize for a confidential Criminal Background Check and Credit Report administered by Optimist International staff.

     14. I authorize my photo to be used by Optimist International.

     If prior to election you become aware of any significant change in your personal status that may negatively affect your ability to serve, you will immediately notify the Chairof the Candidate Qualifications Committee.

     Please note: If your spouse accompanies you in your travels, any reimbursement to him/her may result in a tax liability.

Presidential Candidate CQ Committee Chair Print Name

Date Date


POSITION TITLE: Board of Directors Member at Large BASIC FUNCTIONS:

Bylaws Article VI International Board of Directors, Section 1. Powers-Meetings.

  1. The affairs and business of Optimist International shall be controlled and directed by the Board of Directors.

  2. The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by action of the Board of Directors, by call of the President or by written request of six members of the Board of Directors provided that there shall be at least three meetings each year.


By virtue of your election to the Board of Directors the members of Optimist International have expressed their confidence and entrusted you, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, the personal and fiduciary duty to assume and exercise, in good faith, and with due diligence, responsibility for the legal and financial governance, and the best interests, of Optimist International. As an elected Director-At-Large, you also have the specific charge of a focus on the long term welfare of Optimist International, and to ensure that Board directives, policy, and financial budget matters are adhered and conformed to by all in the organization, elected or appointed. And under the Missouri Non-Profit Corporation Act, acknowledge that the Board of Directors is responsible for conducting the business of the corporation.


Attend all Board of Directors meetings.

Prepare for meetings by reading and considering both the agenda and the business items.

Carefully study each issue.

Enter into debate in order to solve problems and resolve issues. Approve the budget and contract an annual audit.

Establish policies and procedures.

Focus on long term planning and strategic oversight of the organization and ensure strategic planning is created and implemented and to monitor the plan.

Ensure the acceptance and revocation of Clubs.

Be available to return phone calls and correspondence from the Chairman, Executive Director, President and other members of the Board within a reasonable time.

Keep Optimism as an important part of daily life. Continue active involvement in your local Club.

Serve as liaisons to Vice Presidents and Committees and maintain open communication with Vice Presidents and Committees.

Carry out assigned duties as assigned by the President or the Board. Lead by example through sponsorship of new clubs and members

Be willing to subordinate any local or District Optimist interest to the general interest of all members of the organization in carrying out the duties as a Board member.




( Jul 2012, Feb 2013, Dec 2013, Apr 2015, Apr 2016, Mar 2017, Mar 2019, Sep 2022, Apr 2023, May 2023 )