Virtual Meetings of the International Board of Directors

  1. The login information shall be distributed by email to all members of the Board and other

    invited attendees at least two weeks before the meeting with the date and time of the meeting and all necessary codes to connect to the internet meeting. Audio numbers for telephone

    connection will be included for those unable to connect to the internet. Meeting invitations will not be forwarded to non-invited attendees by anyone without prior approval.

  2. All persons should login ten minutes prior to the meeting start time in order to address any technical issues that may arise.

  3. All participants shall have their correct first, last name and title on their screen.

  4. All participants shall remain present during the entire meeting. If a participant is unable to maintain internet connection, it will be noted in the minutes that the individual was not

    present for – note the times that the individual is absent. In the event that the number of departures causes a lack of quorum, the meeting shall be terminated and rescheduled.

  5. Each participant is responsible for their own connection.

  6. The Chair may cause to have muted any participant whose connection to the meeting is causing disruption. It shall be announced that the muting is taking place. The Chair may take further action to remove a disruptive participant from the meeting.

  7. All participants should remain muted unless the Chair recognizes the individual to speak. In order to be recognized to speak, each participant must raise their hand in the

    function/action/reactions or such other relevant section of the platform in use and wait to be recognized by the Chair. The Chair will recognize speakers in order of requests to speak.

  8. Signal for Voting will be raised hand in the function/action/reactions or such other relevant section of the platform in use or may be by Poll of the individual voting members.

  9. The Chair may choose to utilize the polling function available in the platform in use provided that the results are transparent.

  10. All relevant documents and committee reports (including motions) will be available online at least two weeks prior to each Board meeting as per Board policy. Should a motion be made from the floor it shall be entered in the Chat by the mover and read by the Chair.

  11. The Chat shall be used for this purpose and to share relevant documents only.

  12. Meetings will not be recorded by any means other than by the recording secretary.

  13. If the meeting is a blend of virtual and in person attendees, the virtual attendees will have

    visual access to the meeting. The Chair will have the virtual connection established with the ability to monitor the virtual attendees.

  14. A member who intends to make a motion or request that under the rules may interrupt a speaker shall use the designated feature for so indicating and shall thereafter wait a

reasonable time for the chair’s instructions before attempting to interrupt the speaker by voice.

( Jan 2024 )