Club Information

Region: 5 - Great Plains
District: 40 - Iowa (IA), Zone: 9
Club Number: 40021
Club Name: River Valley, Ia
Date Chartered: August 28, 2012
Club President: John A Smith
City, State/Province, Country (Language):
Leclaire, Iowa, United States (English)
Meeting Location:
First Presbyterian Church
3rd Tuesday of each Month at 6:00 p.m.
Note: This meeting is our "Social Meeting". Contact John Smith at 563-723-1768 for the location of each meeting.
1st Tuesday of each Month at 6:00 p.m.
Note: This meeting is when most of the club's matters of business are discussed.
Sponsored by:
Club #: 40038 - Davenport Quad Cities-Morning, Ia
Club #: 40138 - Davenport Evening, Ia
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