Optimist International Club and Member Marketing Material

Social Networking - District, Club, and Member downloadable content.

Optimist International is using social media to connect with Optimists around the world and share our mission. Connect with us and join the conversation!
Optimist International Downloadable Marketing Material and Links available for Optimist Clubs and Members. Updated routinely. Marketing material for use over all social media platforms. For special requests pleasa email marketing@optimist.org

For PC users:

Step 1: From the downloadable social media videos or images select one and click to download/save it.

Step 2: Upload the image to your website or social media post and add your own text.

Step 3: Don't forget the hashtag. Click to copy the hashtags then paste the text (e.g. ctrl+v) afterwards in your social media post.

image for optimist video library

Click text box below for the drop down image menu then click the image you wish to download.

    Click the image to download as a ZIP file:

    Super Creed

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Creed Cafe

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Creed Floral

    Be an optimist GIF file

    2021 Video Arts Winners Creed Series

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Kids Drawing Creed Series

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Click the image to download as a GIF file:

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Be An Optimist transparent GIF file click to download:

    Be an optimist GIF file

    Click the image to download as MP4 file:

    Be an optimist GIF file

    "Be An Optimist" White text on blue

    incentive campaign

    "Be An Optimist" white background

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

    Click on the image to download it:

    incentive campaign

image for optimist media library Optimist Internatonal Videos: Share directly or download for District, Club, and Member use.

    Optimism A Philosophy of Life
    Download this video
    Loading the player ...
    YouTube link to watch and share.

    Optimist Club Near You video
    Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Optimist International Promo "Respect for Law"
    Download this video
    Loading the player ...
    YouTube link to watch and share.

    Optimist Motivation
    Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Be An Optimist Text on Blue - Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Be An Optimist Matters - Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Be An Optimist Nov Promo - Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Be An Optimist Community Vide - Download this video
    Loading the player ...

    Be An Optimist - Download this video
    Loading the player ...

Don't forget the hashtag(s)

Click on the button to copy the text from the text field. Then paste the text (e.g. ctrl+v) afterwards in your social media post.

Junior Optimist hashtags:

Optimist Internatonal Social Media Platforms: Please follow, like, share, and connect with us on social media. Be sure when posting to tag Optimist International. We might just share it!

"Like" the official Optimist International page on Facebook to stay connected with other Optimists, share Club projects and stay connected with the international organization.
Optimist International Clubs and Members Group

Managed by Optimist International, it is a place to share ideas, brag about events and service projects and give your own members a little International recognition for being an Outstanding Optimist when the time is right. We also welcome members who wish to join or start an Optimist Club. By joining the group they can see our organization’s efforts and connect with the right Club/Member so they are on the right path to becoming an Optimist.

Use this microblogging site to keep in touch and up-to-date with other Optimists and Optimist supporters.

On the Optimist Channel on YouTube, you can check out our organization’s promotional videos, International President messages, program videos, etc.

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service – connect with us!

LinkedIn is a network of professionals around the globe. On the Optimist International Club group, Optimist volunteers can connect with other Members in a closed group setting and keep up to date about what's going on in other Optimist Clubs.